Chrono Stars Wiki
Kumo Danonuang... has died. He is cast away. I am God Fist. I am all that's left for you.

A God-Touched vigilante turned mythological figure, God Fist is the moniker of a legendary hero on Minenel. He was only a small farm boy when his family was killed in a flood. Kumo Danonuang, the boy who would become God Fist, was nearly was drowned himself. When he woke, Kumo had nowhere left to turn to, and was eventually picked up by a local gang, where discipline and a sense of loyalty stronger than iron were forged in him. He was given purpose, friends, and a home, for a time.

But as he grew, Kumo Danonuang began to grow disillusioned with his friends, believing that he was destined for something greater. A childish feud sparked into grown violence, and like many before him, the boy Kumo swung a man's fist. Many of Kumo's closest friends were killed. Now without a home, Kumo fled his home and journeyed across the coastline. For months into years, he was alone. He had found strength, but not the strength he wanted.

Resolving that strength he could not control was not true strength at all, Kumo journeyed to join a group of monks, diving headfirst into spirituality. His constant questions and hesitant rejection of scripture made him few friends among the monks. As he learned the magic of the monks, their answers to why they would hide their power drove him away once more, but with the pride in knowing he had stayed his hand. He endeavored back to his home where he hoped to make a difference.

Kumo Danonuang was never sure when he returned, for the land that he once known as home had changed during his time with the monks. No one recognized the tall, dark man who had returned in the place of the pale boy who had run off in anger one day. When Kumo came face to face with the lake that had swallowed his farm, he did not recognize the face that looked back. His childish fury returned, and Kumo struck the water's surface and roared.

The gods, hearing this, arose to meet Kumo. In his fury, he did not recognize them, and lashed out again in anger. But the gods reached out and grasped his hand, freezing Kumo in place. They promised to him a purpose, and in their service he would be given power. Protect the innocent, and the weak, in our name. Protect children like you had once been, and we will give you the power to do so, the gods blessed. But Kumo, ever unfettered, refused. For the gods, despite their wisdom, had already given Kumo his purpose. And so, Kumo struck down the gods in a flurry of blows, and the gods, vexed, fell back to whence they came.

And Kumo was never the same.
